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What we do

The LMC is the statutory representative organisation for GPs and their practices within North Wales. 

The Local Medical Committees were established in 1911 and their statutory status was re-confirmed by the National Health Service Act 2006.  

Local Medical Committees in Wales are established under Section 54 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006 (“NHS Act”).  

We are made up of elected GP representatives, 2 per cluster area plus additional representatives for out of hours and trainees. 

We meet every 1-2 months to discuss issues affecting general practice in North Wales.  

The roles and responsibilities of the LMC as laid out in our constitution are as follows: 

  1. The Local Medical Committee is a statutory body and must be consulted by the Local Health Board about all matters involved in the implementation of the GMS contract and all issues affecting General Practice. 
  2. The Local Medical Committee is responsible for representing the views of all General Practitioners to the Local Health Board and to the public. 
  3. The Local Medical Committee gives advice to various bodies involved in the health service, mainly the Local Health Board but also secondary care colleagues, allied health professionals, representatives from social services, public representatives (including politicians) and the Community Health Council.  
  4. The Local Medical Committee provides representation to committees whose work impacts on Primary Care.  
  5. The Local Medical Committee is available to support GPs with contractual issues and also with concerns about complaints, partnership difficulties and workforce.   
  6. The Local Medical Committee has a responsibility to maintain the standing of General Practice in the media and with the public at large.  
  7. The Local Medical Committee offers pastoral support to GPs at times of professional or personal crisis.  
  8. The Local Medical Committee encourages good medical practice and the maintenance of high standards in professional practice. 
  9. The Local Medical Committee advises cluster leads and their networks, out-of-hours providers and other areas of health care provision in North Wales that impact on primary care.  

    Advice given by members of the Local Medical Committee is given under the auspices of the North Wales Local Medical Committee Limited.   

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